Why Scan Your Photos?
Photos don't last. Scanning can help!

Fading, Color Shift & Scratching
Photos are deteriorating every second due to of the chemicals on your print, exposure to light, storage condition or, simply, time. Even with proper care, your photos will fade over time.There is only one way to prevent the demise of your photos. Scanning your photographs will allow you to maintain, repair and improve the quality of your images.

Disaster Protection
Your family's archive of photos may appear safe in the shoeboxes in your wardrobe. However, accidents and unforeseeable things happen and floods and fires can threaten your photos. Once the original copy is lost, it's gone forever. Scanning your photos is like buying insurance for your memories.

Preserved, Enjoy and Share
Once we scan your photos, they can be copied and preserved to multiple locations. They are easy to sort, label and organize. You can enjoy them on your computer, phone and TV. Digital photos can be easily shared via social media and emailed to friends and family via the internet. Sharing these pictures will bring back hundreds of wonderful stories from the past.
Save time & very convenient
You may want to convert your photos to a digital format on your own, but feeding one slide after another through a home scanner is a painfully boring way to spend every weekend for the next four months. On average, it takes about 8 mins to clean, scan and edit a single photograph and on average, most familes have around 600-900 photos. Why not use Let's Scan to help you with this task!